AS400 RPGLE: %date, %days Example

%Char((%Date - %Days(7)):*MDY/)

If Current date is 9/29/17 the result of the above piece of code will give 9/22/17 ( ie - 7 days)

Extract Date from a Timestamp

fDate = %Date(%subst(%Char(%Timestamp()):1:10):*MDY/);

 Difference between 2 dates, time or timestamp:


time_taken = %DIFF (%timestamp() : start_time : *SECONDS);

Get Year/Month/Day from Date. and Hour/Min/Second from Timestamp:

%SUBDT(value : unit { : digits { : decpos } })

     date = d'1999-02-17';
     time = t'01.23.45';
     timestamp = z'1999-02-17-';

     num = %subdt(date:*YEARS);
     // num = 1999

     num = %subdt(time:*MN);
     // num = 23

     seconds = %subdt(timestamp:*S:5:3);
     // seconds = 45.987


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